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Written materials and fees for collective trademark registration application

Source: // Author: Written materials and fees for collective trademark registration application Time: 16:03, November 14, 2019 Views: 3016

What are the written materials of the application for collective trademark registration? With these questions, let's look at the following introduction.

 Written materials and fees for collective trademark registration application

1. The trademark application shall be in the form designated by the Trademark Office.

2. To apply for the registration of collective trademarks, applications shall be filed by category in accordance with the International Classification of Goods and Services for Trademark Registration (that is, the principle of "one mark, one category, one application"). If the goods or services used by the same trademark span several categories, applications shall be filed separately according to different categories of goods or services.

3. For each trademark application, one Application for Trademark Registration shall be submitted, and the trademark shall be indicated as a collective trademark in the trademark category column of the trademark application. At the same time, the applicant's qualification certificate and the full text of the rules for the use and management of collective trademarks shall be attached, and the applicant shall pick out the main points, form a single document, and submit it to the Trademark Office.

4. Ten copies of trademark drawings (ten copies of colored drawings shall be submitted for colored trademarks with designated colors), and one copy of black and white ink draft. The trademark pattern must be clear and easy to paste, and the length and width should not be more than 10 cm and not less than 5 cm.

5. The application for trademark registration and other relevant documents shall be written in Chinese and filled in with a typewriter. The application date and application number in the application form shall be filled in by the Trademark Office.

6. The trademark registration applicant's stamp shall be consistent with the approved or registered name.

7. The applicant shall paste the trademark pattern in the "Trademark" box of the application, and the direction of pasting is the designated direction. The words used in trademarks shall be written correctly and normatively, and no wrong words shall be used.

8. The trade names or service items filled in shall be filled in according to the goods and service items listed in the International Classification of Goods and Services for Trademark Registration. If the goods or services are not listed in the International Classification of Goods or Services, a description shall be attached. (If there are many items of goods or services, you can attach a separate sheet of paper to fill in and mark the description.)

9. The applicant shall pay the fees for application and registration to the Trademark Office as required.

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