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home page > Trademark inquiry > There are four main points in the process of graphic trademark registration

There are four main points in the process of graphic trademark registration

Source: // Author: Graphic trademark registration process Time: November 13, 2019 16:13 View: 3301

Trademark registration is mainly composed of words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional signs, color combinations, or combinations of the above elements. Most of the trademark registration will now have words, graphics, and words that are easy to understand. The graphic trademark mainly refers to the logo used in the trademark of goods or services, which is composed of geometric figures or other things. Then, the following is the editor of Time Fortune, which mainly introduces the process of graphic trademark registration:

 Graphic trademark registration process

The graphic trademark registration process mainly includes:

1. Submit the materials. The consultant handling trademark registration through Sinosoft Intellectual Property Company will remind you of the main materials to be prepared. After accepting the payment of the trademark registration notice, the Trademark Office will receive the trademark application materials. It will first examine all the attachments such as the registration application and the trademark sample in detail to see whether the parts to be filled in the application have been completed, whether the relevant materials are correct Whether the required data are complete. It is estimated that the Trademark Office will issue a notice of acceptance in about 20 working days

2. After examination, the Trademark Office will check whether the relevant trademarks are distinctive and conform to the registration provisions of Chinese trademark laws and regulations. If the review is passed, the application process will enter the next stage: preliminary review and announcement stage;

3. It is announced in the newspaper, and the preliminary announcement lasts for three months. If no objection is raised, the trademark can be successfully registered;

4. After the registration of a trademark is approved, the details of the trademark will be entered in the register and a certificate of registration will be issued to the applicant.

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