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home page > Trademark inquiry > Application process and specific matters for trademark registration of sporting goods

Application process and specific matters for trademark registration of sporting goods

Source: // Author: Sports goods trademark registration application process and specific matters Time: 16:02, November 14, 2019 Views: 3022

Life lies in sports. The number of obese people in China is increasing. Obesity will lead to many cardiovascular diseases, and the resistance will also decline. Of course, sports should be completed with some equipment. Then someone will ask, do sports goods have trademarks? What is the process of trademark registration of sporting goods? The second brother of the enterprise will summarize several items for you.

 Application process and specific matters for trademark registration of sporting goods

Sports goods trademark registration application process:

1. After accepting the notice of trademark registration and paying the fee, the Trademark Office will receive the trademark application materials, and will first examine all the attachments such as the registration application and the trademark sample in detail to see whether the parts to be filled in the application have been completed, whether the relevant materials are correct, and whether the required materials are complete. It is estimated that the Trademark Office will issue a notice of acceptance in about 20 working days

2. Examination: The Trademark Office will check whether the relevant trademarks are distinctive and conform to the registration provisions of Chinese trademark laws and regulations. If the review is passed, the application process will enter the next stage: preliminary review and announcement stage.

3. Newspaper announcement: the preliminary announcement lasts for three months. If no objection is raised, the trademark can be successfully registered

4. Registration: After the trademark registration is approved, the details of the trademark will be entered in the register and a certificate of registration will be issued to the applicant. The registration date will be retroactive to the date of filing the application. In other words, the rights of the owner of the registered trademark shall be counted from the date of filing the application.

Specific matters of trademark registration process of sporting goods

1. Trademark inquiry. It refers to the inquiry of whether the trademark applied for by the trademark registration applicant or his/her agent is the same or similar to the previous right, and whether the trademark is the same or similar before filing the registration application.

2. A trademark application for trademark registration is a process of submitting relevant materials to the Beijing Trademark Office and waiting for their review. As long as the materials we provide are correct and our trademarks are not similar, they can basically be registered. But the problem is that we don't know what relevant materials to submit and how to fill in, Then what shall I do?

For more trademark registration information, please follow the second brother


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