For an enterprise, company trademark registration is a top priority. If you can apply for trademark registration first, you can release products first and seize the market. However, the trademark registration application process is tedious and takes a long time. To avoid application, what should we pay special attention to?
First of all, we need to have a preliminary understanding of the company's future business development before registering the company's trademark. Especially for those companies that want to go abroad in the future, the brand names should be carefully designed and planned. Attention should be paid to that when designing trademark names, geographical names or foreign surnames should not be included as far as possible. Because in some countries, geographical names and surnames are easily rejected in trademark applications. The second thing we should pay attention to in trademark registration is the inquiry before trademark application. We should know that the initial application time for trademark is usually six months. Once we fail to apply, we need another six months to wait for the application to be passed, and whether the application can be passed again is still unknown. This is a very unfavorable thing for the brand expansion of enterprises. In addition, we also need to pay attention to the similarity or expansion of trademark name applications. Because in the future development of the enterprise, it is likely that someone will apply for a similar or supplementary trademark name because of the popularity of the company's trademark name. In case of passing, consumers are likely to make purchase mistakes due to confusion of brand names, or even reduce their trust in the original brand names because the quality of the goods they buy is not up to standard.
The application for trademark registration of the company is a very rigorous matter. When we register the trademark, we should take into account the possible events in the future, so as to fully complete the design work.