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Nine criteria for evaluating company name

Source: // Author: Company name verification Time: 09:52, October 9, 2019 Views: 3276

Is the name clear at a glance? Does it seem likely to be confusing? How does the name look on the trademark, advertisement or T-shirt?

A clear name looks like a visual symbol, logo, billboard, etc. The name is usually displayed in a prominent position, so appearance is very important.


Is the name different from the competitor's name? Can you stand out from competitors' names?

Being different is just a factor that makes the name unforgettable, but it is a necessary factor, otherwise your name will be submerged in the ocean of similar names, which will not be unforgettable. It is important to judge the uniqueness of the name in combination with your product, which must be able to attract the attention of potential customers in the competition.


Is the name meaningful and can give people rich associations? Does the name have associations beyond its literal meaning? Is the name suitable for more product categories?


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