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home page > Free naming of the company > The brand name of "performance without speaking" has meaning

The brand name of "performance without speaking" has meaning

Source: // Author: Company name verification Time: 09:52, October 9, 2019 Views: 2950

More than 10 years ago, I named a hand-painted shoe enterprise I founded as "Special Special". I soon found that the name itself does not make customers think my product is very distinctive.

Many names literally say the benefits of the product, such as good quality and low price. However, consumers do not understand names in the literal sense at all. If we want the name to have the meaning we want, we should express it intuitively rather than say it abstractly.

I understand that every brand name wants to express its advantages, and everyone will think that their children are good. Because of this, a name that speaks directly about the benefits of a product is just saying something that people expect and will not impress people. Moreover, this name has a tendency to exaggerate, which makes people suspicious of anything it says.

What's more annoying is that such names may express the opposite meaning to what they want to express. Such examples can be seen everywhere in life. When someone says "I am not a liar", it means: I am like a liar; When someone says "Please believe me", the implication is: you don't believe me; When someone says "Rest assured, the quality is good", the signal is that the quality is not very reassuring. It is always easy for our ideas to turn to the opposite.


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