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What kind of company name should I choose?

Source: // Author: Company name verification Time: 09:53, October 9, 2019 Views: 3066

Whether you are creating a new company, brand, website or APP, there will be naming problems. You may want to know what kind of name to choose.

The name issue is very important, it may be a key factor affecting the success or failure of the company. A unique and unforgettable name, a name that can reflect the expected characteristics and personality, a name that helps you to promote and stand out in the competition, is certainly a great advantage; A name that over describes a product or service, a bland name, and a name that doesn't impress others will naturally show you obvious disadvantages.

The name is usually a straightforward display, which will be displayed in a prominent position in your website, store, packaging or advertisement. That is to say, the name is the first impression you give people, and we all know that the first impression is very important. Whether hearing the name of a company, seeing the logo at the moment of opening the website/application, or seeing the company's advertisement, people's first impression unconsciously affects their perception of the company for a long time.

However, it is not easy to establish a good first impression, and it is also difficult to create a good company name. The more difficult fact is that there are already thousands of company names around us; Most of the names we can think of have been used by others. This can often lead to problematic names that leave a bad first impression, or even no impression at all.


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