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home page > Company name > The company is free of charge to name the dictionary, and test the company's name for scoring. How can we get a good name with full marks?

The company is free of charge to name the dictionary, and test the company's name for scoring. How can we get a good name with full marks?

Source: // Author: free name of the company Time: 09:43, July 4, 2019 Views: 3884

Testing the company name scoring, how to name the company, naming itself is a process of artistic creation. This process is hard and long, and it needs to be refined like diamonds to make the enterprise name more brilliant and valuable. So how to name the company? Today,, the second brother of the enterprise, came to talk about this topic, hoping to help everyone.

 Free naming of the company

The company name comes from a new idea

A good name is like a god's response, moistening things silently. Corporate culture is a kind of fresh culture, a culture of rapid growth, a culture of flexibility, and a culture of keeping pace with the times. The core driving force supporting the culture of leading companies is the company name. How dare you look down upon it. The company culture is always young, has an evergreen foundation, and has abundant financial resources. The old ox broke the cart, and its name is unclear. It can not achieve the goal of turning stone into gold, and can not earn money at all. For example, the "Coco Chanel" brand is still the embodiment of fashion and the synonym of high-quality goods.

The company name comes from a high starting point

Establish a good corporate image from the beginning. The company must go beyond time and space, leading fashion, novelty and uniqueness; The name that stands at the top of the list can play a role of shock and stimulation. It will stir up thousands of waves, quickly open the market, win customers and stabilize consumer psychology. For example, Shi Yuzhu's "Giant Group" and "Brain Platinum" brands are enduring and enduring with their unique characteristics.

The company name comes from accurate positioning

Ingenious design and outstanding characteristics A brand name that is distinctive and full of charm should be able to reflect the advantages and characteristics of enterprise products in design and show special charm. "Coca Cola" is the symbol of beverage, culture and life. Pentium, Microsoft, Intel, Lenovo, etc. are synonymous with computers. Kodak, just listen to the film, Mercedes Benz, BMW, just listen to the car.

Furthermore, the company should be named with a smooth context and a smooth financial channel

Mountains and waters are affectionate, plants and trees are aware, and everything has spirituality. Interaction generates benefits. If the context is not smooth, the wealth will be blocked, and hard work will not pay tribute; If you can understand this idea, you can advance and retreat freely; Only by making the finishing touch on the vital energy can we know the rise and fall of our career; The wealth and culture are originally strong, and harmony turns into magic.

Two word company name:

Fagong Hongrun Fuying East Guanghe Maoji Fulong Guangchang Hong Tongheng Huangheng

Bao Qingde and Dajin Jingsheng, Jin Yajin, Qian Guiguang, Wan Xinghui, Rongwei and Xiangji

Meicheng Zhengyao Kaiyou East Changxin Juxing Runchanghong Yihong Chengying Kangfeng Wanfeng

Huihong Rulong Jiulu Gaoli Hongruijing Gongxin Jinhua Jinyao Wangheng

Hou Chun Shun Sheng Xin Zheng Cheng Xie You Qing Xin Qing Run Sheng Jin Long Wei Ren Guang Guang Jin Shou

Tongjiulong Xieshuli and Qianhui Jiulongheng Yaofa Kaikai Fuli Meitongxiang

Xingjin Huanghong Gathers Thousands of Great Gan Jiuyuan Benefiting the Foundation, Taitai Rulong Hongwei Fuxinlu

Hong Dingqing, Duoxin, Qianhualong, Huarenyuanxin, Dadong Gongxinlu, Shengyurun Ganlu

Wan Yingheng East Yingzhong Auspicious and Shou Hengqing Hong Weixin Long term Association

For more company naming and name verification information, please search for the second brother of the enterprise online, and free company naming and name verification, so that entrepreneurship can be faster!


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