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Knowledge you must know when registering a company

Source: Author: Qi Erge Time: 12:58, May 5, 2023 Views: 1036

When you decide to register a company, there are some key points that need special attention. Here are seven key points that can help you successfully register your company and ensure smooth operation of your company in the future.


1. Don't write too much about the business scope When registering a company, you need to fill in the business scope of your company. The business scope refers to the business scope of the company. The wider the business scope, the more corresponding taxes, and the more taxes to be paid. Therefore, it is recommended not to write too much when filling in the business scope, and it is better to be as concise as possible. In this way, the tax burden of the company can be effectively reduced, and the company can also focus more on core business.

3. The higher the registered capital, the better Registered capital refers to the capital that the company needs to pay when registering, which does not represent the actual assets or financial status of the company. Many people believe that the higher the registered capital, the more powerful the company is, but in fact this is not necessary. The registered capital is too high, which may increase the risk and responsibility of the company. Therefore, when registering the company, it is necessary to determine a reasonable registered capital according to the actual situation, so as to ensure that the company has sufficient working capital after its establishment, and reduce the risk and burden of the company.

3. Company name can be changed When registering a company, the company name is a very important factor. However, if you find that the company name does not meet your needs after registration, or the company business has changed, you can change the company name through legal procedures. This can help you better adapt to market needs and ensure that the company's development keeps pace with the times.

4. Remember the equity distribution of the company Equity distribution refers to the distribution of all shares of the company. When a company is registered, the proportion of equity distribution must be determined. Generally speaking, the equity distribution proportion of the company should be reasonable, in line with the actual situation of the company, and can reflect the rights and interests of all shareholders of the company. It is suggested that the equity distribution proportion of start-ups should be 67%, 51%, 34% and 10%. Among them, 67% of the shares are allocated to founders or core teams, 51% to major investors or partners, 34% to medium investors or senior employees, and 10% to junior employees or low investors. Of course, the specific equity distribution proportion needs to be determined according to the actual situation of the company.

5. Remember to go to tax registration within 30 days after company registration Tax registration refers to the process of registering the company's taxpayer identity and tax information with the tax authority and obtaining the taxpayer identification number. You need to go to the local tax bureau for tax registration within 30 days after the company registration is completed. Tax registration is a very important step. It can enable your company to pay taxes legally and avoid unnecessary fines and tax risks.

6. A company can only have one basic account, but a general account can have multiple After the company is registered, you need to open a bank account to manage the company's capital flow. The company's bank account is divided into basic account and general account. Basic account refers to the main account used by the company for daily operation. There can only be one. The general account is an account used for other capital flows of the company, which can have multiple accounts. It is suggested that the stability, service quality and fees of banks should be taken into account when selecting banks.

7. If the company has no business, it also needs to make regular tax returns every month, that is, zero tax returns Even if your company has no business for the time being, it needs to file tax returns every month. This is called zero declaration. Zero declaration can prove that the company has not generated any tax payable, avoiding possible tax problems. In addition, if the company fails to make zero declaration in time, it may be fined by the tax authorities.

In short, registering a company is a very complicated process, and various factors need to be carefully considered. When registering a company, you need to pay attention to the above seven key points to ensure that your company can be successfully registered and operate smoothly in the future. If you have other questions or need further help, please consult a professional registered company service agency or tax professionals.


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