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How much does it cost to register a company? What are the precautions

Source: Author: Qi Erge Time: 12:56, May 5, 2023 Views: 1046

The registration of a company needs to follow certain procedures and legal provisions, including registered capital, shareholders, legal persons, supervisors, registered address, business scope, etc. If you are an entrepreneur, you must understand these regulations in order to successfully register your company and conduct business. In the following article, I will introduce how much it costs to register a company and the precautions.


Step 1: Name verification

Before registering a company, you need to select a company name and verify it. Name verification refers to querying whether the company name has been registered or occupied in the system of the Administration for Industry and Commerce to ensure the uniqueness of the company name. This step is basically free. You just need to prepare a few names in advance and apply for verification online. If rejected, you can submit another name.

Step 2: Submit company information

Once your company name is approved, you need to submit company information. These materials include registered capital, shareholders, legal persons, supervisors, registered address, business scope, etc. In this step, there is no need to spend the registered capital, because now it is a subscription system. The registered address requires you to provide the property right certificate or lease contract. If you do not have the property right certificate or lease contract, you can choose the affiliated or custody address of the agent company. Generally speaking, the agent company can help you to register a company in a time-saving and painless manner, which costs hundreds to thousands of yuan. Once the information is submitted, the Administration for Industry and Commerce will review and approve the registration of the company.

Step 3: Get the business license

After the registration of the company is approved by the Administration for Industry and Commerce, you can obtain a business license. Now, many local official seals are also free, so this step does not need to cost additional fees.

Step 4: Open an account

After obtaining the business license, you need to open the company's bank account in order to handle daily financial affairs. This step will cost several hundred yuan or so. You can choose a bank you like to open an account with.

Step 5: Tax registration

Finally, you need to make a tax registration. If you are not a professional financial person, you can choose to hire a professional person to help you with tax registration, or directly find an agent company for bookkeeping. Agency bookkeeping generally requires one or two thousand yuan a year, and some agency companies will help you register for free. Therefore, the cost of registering a company now is about this.

In a word, the cost of registering a company is not very high, but there are still many things to pay attention to in the process of registration. It is recommended that entrepreneurs understand the whole registration process before registering companies, and choose a reputable agency to complete the registration procedures, which can reduce many unnecessary troubles and risks.


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