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What process is needed to register a company in Xi'an

Source: Author: Qi Erge Time: April 19, 2023 13:46 View: 1139

The registration of a company is a relatively complex process, which needs to meet a number of conditions before it can be successfully completed. However, many people always encounter rejection when registering companies. So why does this happen?


First of all, company name verification is the first step of company registration. Only after the company passes the name verification can it be registered. However, there are many reasons for the high rejection rate of name verification, and the most common one is the duplication of names. Some meaningful names, such as "Xingsheng" and "Hengtong", have basically been used. Therefore, when naming a company, it is better to choose a name of three words or more, so that the passing rate is relatively high.

Secondly, the registered company must fill in a business address, which must be commercially available. If this requirement is not met, the address exception will be rejected. It is also a good choice to choose the affiliated address of the park.

Moreover, what the company wants to operate is determined by the business scope filled in. However, what the company can do sometimes depends on whether it has obtained approval and permission. For example, securities companies need the approval of the CSRC. There are also industries such as agriculture and forestry, tobacco, tourism, audio and video product publishing, which also need to obtain the corresponding approval before industrial and commercial registration. If there are items within the business scope that need a license or supporting materials, the registration application is likely to be rejected.

Finally, although most of the registration conditions have been met, some people do not meet the conditions for registering a company. For example, in some industries involving professional threshold, such as law, medicine and other industries, applicants need relevant qualifications, otherwise their applications will be easily rejected. In addition, one person can only set up a one person limited liability company. If he wants to register another company, he will also be rejected.

In short, a registered company needs to meet a number of conditions. If it is rejected, it needs to carefully check which conditions are not met and solve them as soon as possible. At the same time, you can seek the help of professional company registration service agencies to let professionals help you successfully complete the company registration.


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