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It's easy to name the second brother company

Source: Enterprise Second Brother Author: Qi Erge Time: 2023-03-29 11:23 Views: 1957

Entrepreneurial education should not only want to develop customer data sources in the accounting industry, but also think about how we can name a company well. A good company name is the beginning of the success of Chinese enterprises. At the same time, it needs to apply for a business license starting from selecting a name. Due to the limited knowledge and ability of students, With limited vocabulary, many people use the Internet company naming tool to name their companies. Next, let's look at the naming of the second brother company of the enterprise with the editor, and how to help you easily complete the naming and verification.

1、 Principle of company naming tool

The research on the naming tool of the enterprise's second brother company is mainly conducive to AI technology big data, combining ancient poetry and digital technology principles, following the naming rules of one company, ensuring that the enterprise name is unique and not repeated, and at the same time, the results can be obtained in one second through the artificial intelligence control algorithm.

The result can be 100 names, and there is no limit. The boss can choose to increase his vocabulary.

2. What are the requirements for naming and registering a company?

1. Name according to fixed format

Where does the registered company name begin? First determine the name format! The company name shall at least include the company type, industry, location and other information. Therefore, for most start-ups, the corresponding words are generally determined one by one according to administrative divisions+industrial and commercial names+industrial characteristics+organizational forms.

2. Low repetition rate of font size

What is the name verification link? Focus on reviewing the reuse of font size! Entrepreneurs can also choose a brand name according to their own preferences, but this brand name cannot be the same as the product names of other enterprises in the same industry that have become registered in China in the same registration authority jurisdiction area. They may be rejected if they have the same pronunciation, so when naming registered companies in China, do not copy.

3. Do not include restricted words

What words should not be used as company names? Look at the "Enterprise Name Prohibition Rules"! After all, the name of the company should be made into a plaque and printed on various documents, so it should not contain negative or negative political influence, racial discrimination, including the dregs of feudal culture, and violate good social customs.

3、 Company Naming Skills

1. Use meaningful idioms or proverbs, such as Yuanjin, "Xinxin", etc;

2. Use the name of the company's location, such as Mengniu, Fenjiu, etc.

3. Name the product or service according to its characteristics, such as Ganmaoling, Changyanning, etc.

4. Select 3-5 font sizes at one time, and query the duplication through the system and other channels through the analysis of enterprise social credit management information in advance;

5. Delete the font size with high repetition rate, arrange the remaining font size according to the required degree, and formally check the name.

The above can be seen that the company name software of the two brothers can be used to fill in the company name easily. As long as the company follows the name regulations, it is not difficult to verify the name.


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