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How to name e-commerce companies!

Source: company name Author: Qi Erge Time: 2020-05-16 13:34 View: 4529

E-commerce is a very promising industry in recent years. E-commerce has changed the regional restrictions on goods, enhanced the circulation of goods, and facilitated people's lives. Therefore, it is profitable to set up e-commerce companies. How to Name of e-commerce company , which may be a headache for many people. Next Second Brother It will be introduced in detail!

1、 Naming method of e-commerce companies

01. The name of the company should be foreign. Foreign names rose in the 1990s. Under the trend of foreign brands flooding into China and Chinese people like foreign brands, many foreign names were born, such as Mousse, Da Vinci, Mona Lisa, etc. These names sound foreign and feel like foreign brands. In fact, they are all made in China, E-commerce is named as "Maxi E-commerce Company".

02. Choose a company name with good moral meaning. You can neither blindly follow nor lack moral meaning when naming the company. A name with moral meaning not only makes people feel that it has cultural connotation, but also has high memory costs. For example, "Golden Valley Que E-commerce Company". Golden Valley is the minister of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Shi Chongwei, who showed off his wealth and specially built Golden Valley Garden to entertain princes and nobles, To show your wealth. Take the first two words. "Que" is a bird of good fortune and a symbol of good luck. Therefore, the Golden Valley Magpie's consciousness is that the magpie will report good news and become the golden valley.

03. With the name of high social value, the purpose of advertising is not to let you tell consumers who you are and what good products you have, but to let consumers actively tell their friends, family members, colleagues who you are and what good products you have. This kind of name is a walking social currency, which can be used in different scenes with a high reference rate and repetition rate. For example, Sansong's customer "Hello Duck" has the characteristics of strong recognition, low memory cost and its own communication attribute.

2、 Name of the most aggressive e-commerce company

01. Annuodi

Of course, "safety" is a metaphor for peace. After all, no matter whether a person is successful or not, peace is a blessing. "Promise" has been said since ancient times: three cups of promise, five mountains are light! It goes without saying that the "emperor" is the king's ambition, which is more in line with the enterprise's vision!

02. Treasure Temple

"Treasure Hall" is a place to store good things. Its image is e-commerce. With gods or immortals, people will have a good impulse to shop. If immortals are in this treasure hall, people will surely live forever, safe and healthy.

03. Stallone

"Giving" means giving. What the enterprise brings to consumers is products and services, which symbolizes the sincere attitude of the enterprise to customer service. "Tai", meaning peace and stability, refers to the stable development of the enterprise; "Tai" has another meaning of "Ji" in the dictionary, which means "Taidou". "Long", prosperous, gives people a sense of grandeur, which is a kind of corporate domineering temperament.

04. Broad Sourcing

The word "Bo" goes from ten strokes (f ū) Sound. "Ten" means that the four sides and the central government are ready. "尃尃尃尃尃尃尃尃尃尃尃尃尃尃尃尃尃23555; "Collection" refers to the extensive collection and adoption of refined products, which means advanced and scientific.

3、 Complete list of e-commerce company names

Xianggou E-commerce Company

Mingyuan E-commerce Company

Bangying E-commerce Company

Juhuizhe E-commerce Company

Mingpin E-commerce Company

Yehao E-commerce Company

Huazhong E-commerce Company

Youxin E-commerce Company

Saijie E-commerce Company

Juxinxun E-commerce Company

Taolebi E-commerce Company

Yijia E-commerce Company

Runmei E-commerce Company

Shenghe E-commerce Company

Shicai E-commerce Company

Shubo E-commerce Company

Naming a company is like setting a title for an article. If the title is boring, no one will be interested in it. If the company wants to get more attention, then a good company name is indispensable.

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