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home page > Company online naming > The complete list of names of Baqi transportation companies are all the names of Geely's transportation companies

The complete list of names of Baqi transportation companies are all the names of Geely's transportation companies

Source: // Author: Qi Erge Time: June 29, 2020 18:05 Views: 4066

At present, the transportation industry is developing steadily on the whole, and has returned to work and production in an all-round way. According to Sun Wenjian, spokesman of the Ministry of Transport of the Ministry of Transport, from January to May this year, the investment in transportation fixed assets was 1022.3 billion yuan, up 0.9% year on year. The cumulative growth rate has increased for the first time since this year, and many powerful bosses have begun to collect Complete list of transportation company names Information is ready to start a company under an aggressive name. Today, the second brother of the enterprise will recommend it to you who have dreams.

 The complete list of names of Baqi transportation companies are all the names of Geely's transportation companies

   1、 Naming Skills of Baqi Transportation Company

1. Named according to the five industry lines

Each industry has its own five lines of characters. When naming transportation companies, it corresponds to their five lines of characters, which can bring good meaning to enterprises.

2. Choose a simple and easy to remember name

The promotion of the brand image of a transportation company cannot be separated from a simple and easy to remember name, so that customers can remember the company and get good communication at the same time.

3. Named according to local characteristics

Whether it is a chain enterprise or a unique enterprise, if you want to attract more customers to come and learn about it, you should use local characteristics to highlight the uniqueness of the transportation company. For example, Jialing Motorcycle Enterprise directly uses the local name "Jialing" with the obvious industry word "Motorcycle", which is very good for customers to remember and achieve good publicity.

   2、 Naming Method of Baqi Transportation Company

1. Conform to enterprise philosophy

The name of the transportation company should be based on the enterprise and consistent with the service purpose of the enterprise, which will help to shape the enterprise image. The enterprise philosophy clarifies the enterprise's business philosophy, business policy and spiritual slogan in the way of "enterprise communication". It is the origin of the enterprise image positioning and communication, and also the central framework of the CI system. The enterprise spiritual slogan is the specific symbol and expression of MI. It is not an abstract dogma and empty slogan. It should not only have the flavor of the times but also reflect the enterprise's personality, Enough to urge people to advance.

2. Name should be linked with the business project

Enterprises usually plan how to operate and set up a unit after they have a business project.

When naming a transportation company, you must be clear about the project you want to operate. The name you choose should be related to the business project. It should not only reflect the characteristics of the industry, but not be too absurd.

3. The company name should match the service object

What kind of customers do transportation companies serve? It is vital to define the service target.

Whether the service target is a man or a woman, an adult or a child, a Chinese or a foreigner, a high-end or low-end service, etc., should be reflected in the naming. Don't make a joke about hanging a "Welcome Restaurant" sign in the street snack bar.

4. Make multiple plans when naming

Under the concept of "global village", Chinese enterprises have entered overseas, and foreign companies are also eager to try the Chinese market. Everyone wants to seize a place in the world's vast market. The registration and renaming of new companies and enterprises happen frequently. In this case, when naming transportation companies, it is better to make more preparations and prepare more naming schemes to ensure that there will be no "shirt bumping" time during registration, which will affect the normal opening and operation of enterprises.

5. Reasonable and legal

The name of the transportation company should not be confused and explained at will. If the enterprise name is unreasonable, it is like drawing a deformed caricature for itself, which is tantamount to helping the enterprise and making negative advertisements. The illegal name is more like a death sentence for the enterprise. Before the enterprise developed, it was closed by the relevant departments.

6. Transportation companies should be named according to the principle of "three requirements and four don'ts"

Three points:

1. The name should be pleasant to hear, call, remember and write.

2. The name should have a moral meaning.

3. The name should be combined with the local cultural connotation.

Four don'ts:

1. We try our best to personalize the name and avoid duplication.

2. The name shall not use obscure characters or homophones.

3. Avoid homophonic and tongue twister names.

4. The name should be clearly related to the industry the company operates.

   3、 The complete list of names of Baqi transportation companies are all the names of Geely's transportation companies

Zhifeng Transportation Company Anfan Transportation Company Aoju Transportation Company Yuehong Transportation Company

Julan Transportation Company Yangbang Transportation Company Haojing Transportation Company Liguan Transportation Company

Zhoute Transportation Company Yuemai Transportation Company Zhengyou Transportation Company Jingguang Transportation Company

Maliang Transportation Company Yuya Transportation Company Fengchang Transportation Company Baoshi Transportation Company

Yanghe Transportation Company Yueyin Transportation Company Jialai Transportation Company Fengtie Transportation Company

Yuehe Transportation Company Yuanyi Transportation Company Yuemu Transportation Company Tebang Transportation Company

Yingyang Transportation Company Haicheng Transportation Company Chiyao Transportation Company Fangbei Transportation Company

Laichao Transportation Company Xiangji Transportation Company Frequency Boundary Transportation Company Welcome to Transportation Company

Aokai Transportation Company Yubai Transportation Company Jianjia Transportation Company Yangzhi Transportation Company

Heyue Transportation Company Dianbai Transportation Company Haizhou Transportation Company Weide Transportation Company

Jiandian Transportation Company Lingyuan Transportation Company Yupei Transportation Company Jiuyuan Transportation Company

Youming Transportation Company Xinshuang Transportation Company Tianhan Transportation Company Wangli Transportation Company

Weiyi Transportation Company Yingneng Transportation Company Maixing Transportation Company Yousu Transportation Company

Qishi Transportation Company Guandi Transportation Company Yahu Transportation Company Jiangjian Transportation Company

Xinli Transportation Company Changyuan Transportation Company Jinluo Transportation Company

Diquan Transportation Company Yisai Transportation Company Silan Transportation Company Xinchi Transportation Company

Gehe Transportation Company Yueyuan Transportation Company Xianglong Transportation Company Cheng'ao Transportation Company

Huosi Transportation Company Tengsheng Transportation Company Beihuan Transportation Company Wangling Transportation Company

Rongshi Transportation Company Detong Transportation Company Ainuo Transportation Company Qingmao Transportation Company

Xiangyuan Transportation Company Caidian Transportation Company Yichao Transportation Company Zhijian Transportation Company

Weirong Transportation Company Jumao Transportation Company Xuanzhuo Transportation Company Jiajing Transportation Company

Dinglei Transportation Company Jijiang Transportation Company Jihan Transportation Company Yijie Transportation Company

Musheng Transportation Company Sixu Transportation Company Shimao Transportation Company Aiqi Transportation Company

Taicheng Transportation Company Yuanguan Transportation Company Luobei Transportation Company Yuyuan Transportation Company

Yuanfa Transportation Company Chuangcai Transportation Company Baisi Transportation Company Unuo Transportation Company

Geyuan Transportation Company Mumeng Transportation Company Chikai Transportation Company Paijian Transportation Company

Baike Transportation Company Chuanyao Transportation Company Xumei Transportation Company Jingfeng Transportation Company

Dateng Transportation Company Xingzhong Transportation Company Zhonghai Transportation Company Xinjing Transportation Company

Xiangyong Transportation Company Chengsheng Transportation Company Youxing Transportation Company Huiju Transportation Company

Beishi Transportation Company Fengpai Transportation Company Landian Transportation Company Youshuang Transportation Company

Mingsai Transportation Company Shunfang Transportation Company Anju Transportation Company Sichen Transportation Company

Shengsi Transportation Company Baifa Transportation Company Daneng Transportation Company Jiantian Transportation Company

Haoying Transportation Company Liangbao Transportation Company Fushu Transportation Company Gaozhen Transportation Company

To Zhuo Transportation Company Yingbai Transportation Company Dingshi Transportation Company Ruilin Transportation Company

Yangxin Transportation Company Deyi Transportation Company Liwei Transportation Company Junan Transportation Company

Tingmeng Transportation Company Laiyun Transportation Company Chunfu Transportation Company Yonyou Transportation Company

Deling Transportation Company Weifu Transportation Company Yanan Transportation Company Rixin Transportation Company

Huida Transportation Company Baijie Transportation Company Yingxin Transportation Company Jiangpei Transportation Company

Huansi Transportation Company Taoshi Transportation Company Zhouluo Transportation Company Yinghu Transportation Company

Shihai Transportation Company Maibo Transportation Company West Boundary Transportation Company Longer Transportation Company

Juguan Transportation Company Dingju Transportation Company Siyou Transportation Company Yuanshi Transportation Company

Guangchang Transportation Company Qingsheng Transportation Company Siluo Transportation Company Lichi Transportation Company

Yasheng Transportation Company Changneng Transportation Company Maxi Transportation Company Nengyong Transportation Company

Yangben Transportation Company Yaozhen Transportation Company Aohai Transportation Company Aosu Transportation Company

Yuanyang Transportation Company Liangsheng Transportation Company Zhanmiao Transportation Company Dianying Transportation Company

Riyue Transportation Company Zhenyue Transportation Company Ditian Transportation Company Beixu Transportation Company

Yuyue Transportation Company Jiaxin Transportation Company Shengjian Transportation Company Yuelin Transportation Company

Guangrui Transportation Company Quansen Transportation Company Mengyong Transportation Company Nashi Transportation Company

Teton Transportation Company Phase Frequency Transportation Company Yilai Transportation Company Feijin Transportation Company

Beishi Transportation Company Huakai Transportation Company Senqi Transportation Company Youyou Transportation Company

Fujie Transportation Company Yaer Transportation Company Jingwei Transportation Company Zhongjian Transportation Company

Shuo Olympic Transport Company

The above is the complete list of names of Baqi transportation companies, all of which are the names of Geely's transportation companies. I hope this article will be helpful to everyone. If you have already figured out the company name and want to know whether the industrial and commercial verification can be passed, please click here: For interaction with us, please pay attention to Qierge222, which is more convenient for the company to name, verify, test, and generate business scope!

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