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Naming recommendation of technology companies

Source: Enterprise Second Brother Author: Qi Erge Time: 2023-03-29 11:27 Views: 2196

The development of enterprises cannot be separated from innovation. Only creative companies can go further and become more international. Therefore, we cannot be too rigid in naming companies and abiding by rules. Innovation makes enterprises full of vitality. Next, we compiled a list of innovative technology companies for your reference

How to name an innovative technology company

1. Divergent thinking, moral:

A student innovative science and technology limited company, with a certain connotation of China and a name rich in cultural and creative connotation, can more vividly show the image of the enterprise, make people remember more deeply, such as "Lansi Technology", "Lansi Blueprint", "Think Think", and use thinking methods to build and improve the direction of the company's economic development level. The atmosphere and connotation are very worthy of our reading.

2. We should face the problem of modernization. Don't use some words that have the meaning of the times. For example, you like to use the words before the company name, such as the military, the strong, the rich, etc. The times are progressive. Such a modern company, combined with modern common words, has a certain meaning.

3. This name has a strong story

Now is the era of big data, we can get more and more information, so everyone's speed is getting faster and faster. We hope that the company's name will attract people's attention instantly. If we need a name, we can bring it to others. From the name, we can enrich their stories. If a name only has a literal meaning, it is difficult for others to remember it.

Second, innovative technology company Daquan

[Tuoba Technology] Tuoba refers to the pioneering and innovative enterprise spirit, implying that China has no great future and is upright and progressive.

[Aiken Technology] Ai is easy to associate with an English name "497", which is very international in China

[Meikang Technology] Beautiful and healthy, which means that the company's products are reliable

Heaven and technology Heaven's domination domination domination domination domination domination domination domination domination domination domination. Suggest that the company has accumulated great achievements in cultivating the master

[Home Credit Technology] Convenient, simple and fast; Credibility, integrity and good quality

[Wannai Technology] Simple, natural and generous, meaning we are all in the words.


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