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How to name a law firm?

Source: // Author: Company name verification Time: 09:51, October 9, 2019 View: 3518

Branding is the key to the entrepreneurial process, which is correct no matter what type of enterprise you are building. In the face of convention, law firms generally ignore branding. Most law firms will adopt standardized names and images, such as the surname of the founder or partner. If you are a mature company, this old-fashioned image can enhance your credibility and strengthen a reliable image. But branding is very useful for new companies that want to break through.

A good brand starts with a good name

No matter how you learn to start a business in any industry, you will soon realize that the company name is the first thing to make an impression. When you name a law firm, you need to consider what the name needs to achieve. Using the founder's name can really indicate who is in charge of the company, but a name that can make you different and make potential customers unforgettable may be more useful.

The name must be short and powerful

Good company names are often short and powerful, which also applies to law firms. In order to convey a more modern and forward-looking image, the law firm also needs a short and unique name.


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