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Descriptive brand names are everywhere

Source: // Author: Company name verification Time: 09:50, October 9, 2019 Views: 3343

In brand naming, traps are everywhere, and our favorite names rarely prove to be the most effective. For example, people have always liked to use descriptive company or brand names - names that directly indicate the product, feature or source literally, but if your industry's descriptive name has been overused, it will be difficult to distinguish itself.

In the brand world, descriptive names are everywhere, including some well-known brand names. Because descriptive names can really succeed. They are popular, safe, appropriate, and sometimes the most appropriate; They explain the product directly, so that customers can know what the company does when they see the name.

Yes, in some cases, descriptive names are valid. In other cases, descriptive names are counterproductive marketing initiatives that require greater marketing efforts to inject personality and vitality into names.

If you are an early player in a certain market or enter a field where there is no competition, a descriptive name that directly indicates the category is often effective. In this case, the key to success lies in the category rather than the brand - people are concerned about "why should we change from the existing category to the new category", and there is almost no question of "why should we choose this brand rather than that brand".


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