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Key points for company naming

Source: Enterprise Second Brother Author: Qi Erge Time: 2023-03-25 14:53 Views: 2485

The name of a company is the name of a company. The name of a company can only be used after it has been filed. It should not be repeated in the same industry, and the name of a company should be carefully chosen. Attention should be paid to its implication and popularity. With the increase of entrepreneurship in the past two years, the difficulty of naming a company has increased. Next Second Brother Sorted out the name of the company Let's take a look at some key points.


Common company naming 10 key points


1. Standard format of company naming


The name of the company is composed of four aspects, namely, the province, the city, the name, the industry, and the type of enterprise. Name is the prerequisite for market entities to obtain business licenses. Without a name, it cannot be verified.


The canonical format is Anhui (administrative division)+Qishunbao (business name)+financial management (industry characteristics)+limited company (organizational form).


2. Company name and size regulations


A registered company cannot have no name. For the convenience of name verification, you can prepare three or five brands and submit them in order of preference. After the previous one is approved, you don't need to submit the next one, because enterprises are only allowed to use one name.


The enterprise name pre-approval process mainly reviews whether the company name is compliant and whether there is duplication, so as to avoid confusion in the use of names in registration application documents and materials due to the uncertainty of the name.


3. Industrial and commercial registration:


The industrial and commercial name is the main part of the verification process. The enterprise name shall not be the same or similar to the registered enterprise name of the same industry within the jurisdiction of the registration authority. Therefore, it is better to name the company as original.


4. Company Name Material Preparation


The company name is the name of the company. The company is used as an external image display. In addition, the company name is widely used in various documents such as invoices and contracts. If the company name is too hasty, it will not only affect the company's business activities, but also won't easily win the trust of customers.


5. How many characters can be used in the font size part?


According to relevant regulations, the font size in the enterprise name should be It is suggested that the number of simplified Chinese characters should be between 2 and 10. The number of characters is too long to remember or use.


6. Are there any words that cannot be used?


Before the company is named, entrepreneurs are advised to look at the Regulations on the Administration of Enterprise Names and the Rules for the Prohibition and Restriction of the Use of Enterprise Names, which clearly stipulate that many prohibited words should not be used, which may cause confusion to consumers.


7. How can a company name become a provincial name?


In order to enhance their strength, many start-ups will deliberately fill in provincial administrative divisions when verifying their names "Provincial name" is conditional. Guangxi requires companies with a registered capital of no less than 2 million to use provincial administrative divisions.


  8、 Can I change it?


The company name can still be changed after it has been approved for registration, even after the business license has been obtained, but it usually needs to be changed after one year of establishment, and it needs to go through certain procedures.


It can be seen from this that there are certain requirements for the company's naming. It is not to call it whatever you think of at random. A good name is equal to a free publicity means. The company's naming should be careful.


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