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How to check whether the company name is duplicate and how to name the company

Source: Author: Qi Erge Time: 14:11, April 20, 2023 Views: 1584

Naming is a very important task for entrepreneurs. A good name can not only make the company more personalized and attractive, but also help the company more easily stand out in the market competition. However, how to choose a good name is not a simple matter. Before choosing a name, we need to consider some important factors, such as the company's region, industry and organizational form.


First, let's take a look at the domain name. Generally speaking, a good company name should be able to relate to the region where the company is located. When choosing a name, we can take the region name as part of the company name, so that people can remember the company name more easily. For example, enterprises starting from provinces and cities usually give people a sense of grandeur, while enterprises starting from districts are more likely to be considered as small enterprises.

Secondly, the font size. The font size is a very important part of the company name, because it can help people better understand the business scope and positioning of the company. A good font size should be pleasant to hear, easy to remember, and able to highlight the characteristics of the company. When choosing a font size, we should pay attention to the following points: the font size should be between 2 and 6 Chinese characters in length; It cannot contain foreign languages, pinyin, numbers, etc; Try to avoid using too general font size, such as "general" and "comprehensive", which will make the company's characteristics less prominent.

The third is the industry. The name of the company should match its main business, so that people can more easily understand the company's positioning and characteristics. When choosing an industry, we need to pay attention to the following points: the name of the industry should be simple and clear, and do not use overly complex industry terms; The industry name should highlight the characteristics of the company to make the company more personalized and attractive.

Finally, the organizational form. A good organizational form can help people better understand the company's operation mode and management structure. Common organizational forms include limited companies, group companies and joint-stock companies. When choosing the organizational form, we need to make the choice according to the actual situation of the company, and also need to pay attention to the characteristics and differences of different organizational forms.

After determining the company name, you need to ensure that it is not used by other companies. To do this, you need to approve and register your name. Here are some simple steps to check whether the company name is duplicate:

1. Log in to the enterprise and set up a registration platform

You need to log in to the enterprise to set up a registration platform to check whether the company name is available. These platforms are usually provided by local industrial and commercial departments and can be searched online. On the platform, you need to find the name approval module to enter the company's regional name, font size, industry and organizational form for duplicate checking.

2. View existing trademarks and patents

Before checking whether the company name is available, you should also check whether other companies or organizations have used the name. You can check the trademark and patent database to see whether the name has been registered or used. These databases are usually provided by government or commercial institutions and can be searched online.

3. Seek professional advice

Before determining the company name, you can also consult with professionals, such as trademark lawyers or trademark agents. They can help you check whether the company name is available and provide suggestions.

In short, it is not easy to determine a good company name. You need to spend time and effort to ensure that the name complies with the regulations and does not duplicate other companies. By using enterprises to set up registration platforms, view trademark and patent databases, and seek professional advice, you can avoid possible legal problems in the future and ensure the success of the company.


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