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How long will it take for the company to verify its name

Source: Author: Qi Erge Time: 17:19, March 30, 2023 Views: 1413

Company name verification is an important step of company registration and a necessary procedure for obtaining business license. Generally speaking, the time required for company name verification varies according to different regions and different types of companies. The following is a detailed introduction to the company's name verification time.


It usually takes 1-5 working days for a company to verify its name. During this period, enterprises need to submit an application for the company name and wait for the approval of the Administration for Industry and Commerce. If the company name complies with the law and there is no duplication, it will usually be approved quickly. However, if the company name involves sensitive words or is too similar to the registered company name, the approval may take longer.

In the process of company name verification, enterprises should pay attention to the following points:

First of all, enterprises need to choose appropriate company names according to legal provisions. The company name shall comply with relevant regulations and shall not contain prohibited words, such as politically sensitive words and prohibited words. In addition, the company name also needs to have a high degree of recognition and discrimination to avoid too similar to the registered company name, leading to the failure of verification.

Secondly, enterprises need to know the relevant regulations and procedures of the region in advance. Different regions have different requirements and approval processes for the company's name verification. Enterprises need to carefully understand and be familiar with the relevant regulations of the region before applying to ensure that the application can be approved as soon as possible.

Finally, we need to wait patiently for the verification results. Although the time for company name verification is usually not too long, if the company name selected by the enterprise is complex or involves sensitive words, the approval process may take longer. During this period, we need to be patient and follow up the approval progress in a timely manner.

To sum up, the time of company name verification depends on the specific situation. The enterprise needs to carefully choose the company name and understand the relevant regulations and procedures in the region to ensure that the application for name verification can be successfully passed. In this process, we need to be patient and follow up the approval progress in time, so as to obtain the business license as soon as possible and carry out normal business activities.

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