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Source: Enterprise Second Brother Author: Qi Erge Time: 2023-04-22 16:53 Views: 2117

When starting a company, it is necessary to have a name that is easy to pass, and a firm name usually goes with the development of the company. Therefore, the meaning of the firm name must be appropriate and reasonable without deviation. Here is a brief introduction to us Second Brother Company name verification website

To start a company, you must first think of a good name for the company, register it, and obtain the business license before it is officially established. However, many people have problems in the process of naming the company, because there are so many registered companies now, and the good sounding names have basically run out, even if you search on the Internet, Basically, they are websites named for people. A website named for people is different from a website named for a company. A website named for people can have the same name Company name There is no duplication of names, so many people think that it is possible to name people or companies. This idea is very wrong. Even if you have a good company name on the website that names people, it is estimated that it will be difficult to pass the industrial and commercial verification. However, the company naming network of the second brother company of the enterprise exists specially for the company, which not only sounds good, but also has a high pass rate of industrial and commercial name verification query.

1. The naming function of different styles meets entrepreneurs with different hobbies:

At present, the naming system of the second brother company of the enterprise has three different styles: Chinese culture naming, moral naming, and intelligent naming.

2. The operation is simple, and the company name appears in seconds

Whether you are proficient in using computers or not, it does not affect your use of the company naming system, because as long as you enter the region and industry type, the company name can be generated quickly, and you can choose a large number of company names.

3. Humanized function design

Some entrepreneurs may want to include a word in their company name, or a word in their family name, or a word they like. Currently, 99% of the company naming systems on the market do not have this unique requirement. However, considering entrepreneurs with these requirements, the second brother of the enterprise has specially added such functions, Just input the word you want. All vivid company names contain this word, which is very humanized.

 Company naming system

4. Completely free

Some companies' naming systems charge fees. In the early days of entrepreneurship, there was a shortage of funds. Even if you spend money to name yourself, you may not be satisfied. You waste money and time. However, the naming system of the second brother company is completely free of charge, It can minimize the problems encountered in the registration of your company, and both the naming and verification of the company are free of charge, but the effect is very good. At the same time, the second brother of the enterprise also provides industrial and commercial services such as agency bookkeeping to help you solve the industrial and commercial problems of the company.

Second Brother Recommended reading Company name   Company name verification   Free verification of company name   Free naming of the company   Entrepreneurship  


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