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Shanghai · Company Registration Company Name

Source: Enterprise Second Brother Author: Qi Erge Time: 12:42, April 6, 2022 Views: 1913

In the context of the epidemic China's economy Various industries As the pressure intensifies, the importance of infrastructure to support the economy and stabilize employment is particularly important Especially some core cities —— Shanghai is an important economic, transportation, science and technology, industry, finance, exhibition and shipping center in China, and one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world. The cargo throughput and container throughput of Shanghai Port rank first in the world, and it is a good international coastal port. Shanghai is also the first free trade zone in mainland China "China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone" is located. The Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration composed of Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui has become one of the six world-class urban agglomerations in the world. At present, the most popular industries for registered companies in Shanghai mainly include:

Network technology company Science and technology company Trade company   Cultural communication company Building decoration company Business consulting company Information technology company information technology Class companies ……

Before registration, A good company name It's also important as far as possible Make it easy for customers to remember and choose a more modern name. So how to give the company a good name ? below Second Brother We hope to help you by sharing our naming skills.

Company Naming Skills

1. Easy to read and remember, good for communication

Such as Haier, Changhong, Ordos, etc. A good shop name is first of all easy to read and remember. Leave a deep influence in the public's mind, which is conducive to being told, and can create a greater and better reputation for the company.

2. The combination of inside and outside is worthy of the name

For example, Europa Restaurant and Elizabeth Dance Hall. As the old saying goes: If the name is irregular, the words will not be right, and if the words are not right, the actions will not be effective. The name is the exclusive symbol of things. Only when the name matches the reality, can it accurately reflect the characteristics of things, and can it be called and heard easily. That's what the ancients said "Justification" means.

3. Extraordinary and unique

For example, Coca Cola, Master Kang, Wahaha. The enterprise name is a specific sign of the difference between enterprises, but unfortunately, the phenomenon of similar enterprise names in China has been increasing in the past. Some enterprises do not rely on their own efforts to create their own value and popularity, but do everything possible to apply the names of other famous enterprises, so that consumers may misunderstand them and expand their influence.

4. Harmonious meaning and proper collocation

For example: Rongshida, Anerle, Yaqian. The core elements of the Chinese naming tradition that attaches importance to meaning include two aspects: first, because of the constraints of the ideographic nature of Chinese characters, people have developed a psychological stereotype as the name suggests. A beautiful company name can make people have a good evaluation. Second, due to the influence of the tradition of name and object training and evaluation, people always have to investigate the reason for the name of things, and pay attention to the reason for word interpretation and word analysis.

5. Seeking Rules and Striving for Innovation

Such as Tongren Hall, Tongde Hall and Henian Hall. The foothold of the company's naming is to focus on commodities and consumers of commodities. Focusing on the shop number of goods, a tendentious phenomenon is that the items operated by an enterprise always use words related to goods or services. The second rule is that in the long-term naming process, some industries have formed words that people like to use, which makes people know what industry it is at a glance.

6. Pay attention to rhythm, full of beauty;

Such as: 39 (999) Group, Kodak KODAK. Pronunciation is the material shell of a name. The pronunciation of a name is not only related to the auditory image of the name, but also related to whether it can be read easily. The name of the company's store should be loud and easy to remember, so that the image of the company's store can be quickly spread. Those words that are difficult to pronounce or have bad sound, difficult to write or recognize, and words with poor meaning or translation should not be used as the name of the company's store.

7. Break the stereotype and be flexible

Such as Taibai Restaurant, Luyu Tea Shop, etc. The so-called "Live" refers to keeping an open and active mind when naming, and all kinds of naming ideas at all times and in all countries can be used. Poetry allusions, because of their high cultural and aesthetic value, can make people have rich associations, so they often become the material people use to name stores.

01. Popular online words

It is certainly appropriate to name a network technology company with some popular network words. With such a name, we can not only bring our own traffic and attraction, but also give people a sense of individuality. For example, the flag of Dafen Diss, Tairitian, etc., name the enterprise network management company according to the popular words of students' research, which is interesting and meaningful.

02. It means good luck

Businessmen pay attention to auspiciousness, and the name is the face of the company and a very important factor in the company's operation, so the name has auspicious meanings, such as An, Chang, Chang, Hong, Xiang, etc. For example, "Xiang" means good luck, good luck and good luck. As the saying goes, "a man of virtue is the foundation of everything, and everything is good luck". It is better to call such network companies as "Xiangsheng" and "Jinxiang".

03. Comparatively aggressive words

When naming an Internet company, try to use some words that reflect the atmosphere and arrogance, which will make the company reflect the atmosphere, so as to frighten the opponent and increase its momentum. Common words include Yu, Xuan, Ze, Yu, Bo, Hao, Tian, Shuo, Yu, Cheng, Run, Rui, etc., It not only gives people a sense of momentum, but also is meaningful.

04. Words related to network

Each industry has a special word. Of course, for some new industries, it may not be born temporarily, but through long-term development, it will also form some industry words. Industrial network companies use the words of network, network, letter, science, etc., such as Kexuesheng Network Company and Xinsheng Network Company. The use of these words in the network company name will make the name more intuitive, easy to understand and conducive to publicity.

Examples of words applicable to network company names


The pronunciation of "Rui" is Rui, which sounds arrogant. The original meaning of the word is ancient jade articles used as letters; Ruijie; Ruifu or good luck, good omen, etc., It is also very lucky to use it in the name of an Internet company. It meets the company's requirements for good luck and can indicate that the company is very safe and smooth.


"Chen" refers to houses, deep houses, imperial residences, etc., which is also extended to the name of the throne and emperor. It can show the arrogance of the name when it is used to name. Moreover, the word sounds very comfortable and grand, symbolizing good fortune, noble morality and outstanding.


"Sheng" means prosperity, grand and grand, and also means prosperity. It is a good word to use in the name of an Internet company, which can be compared to the prosperity of an Internet company. In addition, the word "Sheng" appears as the fourth tone, and the tone is also very grand, so it is powerful to use it with other names.

A complete set of characters suitable for Internet and technology company names

Kun Yu An Jun Shuo Xin Li Qi

source Hongchao Mingruisheng Junbo

book Li Pei Yu Qian Han Jing

Ru Li Ruoshuo Lingqixiang

Chess Yuze Huangyun Xuan Kaijian

flood Sheng Xue Can Lei Jia Sijie

Qing Wen Weixuan's Letter to Yu Lin

Nuo Qian Jiayang, Jing Zhongzhong, Zhongwen

Lin Inkstone Runyi Haoze Binqin

Eunuch Jiazhi Ouleilin Shuojun



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