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Trademark registration - the importance of trademark inquiry to trademark registration

Source: // Author: Trademark Registration Time: 13:41, October 22, 2019 Views: 1272

It is essential to inquire about trademarks before trademark registration,

The importance of trademark inquiry to trademark registration can be understood as follows:

 Trademark registration

First, we can know whether the trademark we want to apply for has been registered by rush through trademark inquiry. Trademark rush registration can be divided into malicious and unintentional. Whether maliciously or unintentionally, the trademark we want to apply for is likely to be rejected.

Therefore, it is of great significance to carry out trademark inquiry as early as possible to find trademark rush registration, reduce or avoid and recover losses.

Second, timely trademark inquiry can understand the progress of trademark registration application, so that trademark registration and trademark use can be well understood.

Third, we can learn about trademark registration through trademark inquiry, which can largely avoid infringement of others' registered trademarks, so that we can fill in unnecessary trouble. Moreover, the trademark inquiry is very useful for clarifying whether the trademark can be used safely, which can reduce the risk of business.

The trademark query does not report conflict but fails to register successfully

On the one hand, the query report provided by the trademark service agency does not include some of the earlier trademark information applied in the months prior to the query date, nor does it include the earlier trademark information in the review status. Since the trademark registration application documents have to go through formal review after being received by the Trademark Office, the retrieval can be established and entered into the database. At this time, the trademark information can be found. This process usually takes more than 2-3 months. This is the "time blind spot" of the query.

On the other hand, in addition to the "time blind spot" of the query, whether the queried trademark violates the relevant provisions of the Trademark Law on not being used or registered as a trademark needs to be analyzed when querying in advance.

In a word, registered trademark inquiry can improve the probability of successful trademark registration, but it is not absolute. Your trademark registration application may also be rejected due to the blind search period and the factors specified in the Trademark Law.


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