1. Find a trademark registration agency, open the trademark query system, take your designed trademark to the platform to query according to the trademark name, approximate query, category query, check whether the involved trademark has been registered, check whether there are similar trademarks, such as the same trademark name, trademark pattern, If not, the trademark application materials can be submitted.
2. As we all know, there are 45 categories of trademarks. There are thousands of trademarks registered in different categories. However, you can check whether they have been registered through the category of goods. Among all categories of trademarks, 1-34 are the categories of goods, and 35-45 are the categories of trade marks of services. You can divide them into several small groups to query, It can shorten the query time.
3. All trademarks can be queried directly. All trademark designs, names and categories in the system of the Trademark Office can be queried, but it may be relatively time-consuming. In particular, some commonly used trademarks may often be millions. In the process of query, it is necessary to filter out the same or similar trademarks, and compare them carefully, Then determine whether there is a similar situation.
What is the meaning of registered trademark inquiry?
1. Trademark query can ensure the safe use of trademark design, avoid trademark infringement due to similarity, save a lot of costs, and reduce risks in subsequent operations.
2. You can know in advance whether it has been rush registered. Nowadays, trademark rush registration is very common. Generally, the object of trademark rush registration is basically unregistered trademarks, but some people will apply for registration of trademarks and well-known trademarks that have been known to the public in different products and service providers, which is also called rush registration.
3. Know the obstacles existing in the current trademark registration. Through trademark inquiry, we can find out whether the trademark we have designed is the same, how to change the logo of the trademark if there is any, or whether the trademark needs to submit a registration application.
4. Understand the current situation of this trademark. The trademark inquiry can know the current basic situation of the trademark, so that we can be sure of the registration application in the future.