How do you spell the name of the hotel? Hotel is also a service industry. People choose hotels to work or rest when they need to work. The reason why there are so many serviced apartments is to provide a good environment for guests. There are also many hotels in developed cities. So, how can we find our own right? How does the owner show his hotel to everyone? Hotels are more than just names and shapes. Of course, good names can attract customers. Good appearance can also attract customers. However, as long as you have a good name, you can't attract guests even if your appearance looks messy. On the contrary, if the appearance is beautiful and the name is bad, the customer's first impression will also decline. Therefore, only when the two become one can they be more perfect. The name of a company is as good or bad as the name of a person. A good name can not only be easily remembered by others, but also bring good luck to the company. So when you name your company, you should look at the score of its name, and see whether its name is good or bad. You should not only choose a lucky name for the company, but people would have used the word "lucky" to name it. This method is also very good in the internal sense, and can leave a good memory. The main method also has a large proportion in the lucky or unlucky test.
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