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How to write the business scope of business consulting company

Source: // Author: How to write the business scope of business consulting company Time: 15:34, November 11, 2019 Views: 3423

Business scope reference of business consulting company

 How to write the business scope of business consulting company

1. Business consulting, enterprise management, financial consulting (not allowed to engage in agency bookkeeping), e-commerce (not allowed to engage in value-added telecommunications, financial services).

It is engaged in the import business of goods and technology, and the sales of household goods, office supplies, knitwear, clothing and cosmetics. (Projects that must be approved according to law can only be operated after being approved by relevant departments)

2. Enterprise management consultation, financial consultation, business information consultation, economic information consultation, marketing planning, market information consultation and survey (social survey, social research, public opinion survey, public opinion poll are not allowed). (Projects that must be approved according to law can only be operated after being approved by relevant departments)

3. Business information consultation, enterprise management consultation, market information consultation and survey (social survey, social research, public opinion survey, public opinion poll are not allowed).

Technical consultation, technical services, technology development, technology transfer, network technology, computer software and auxiliary equipment, communication equipment, and sales of cultural and office supplies in the field of computer science and technology. (Projects that must be approved according to law can only be operated after being approved by relevant departments)

4. Business information consulting, marketing planning, enterprise management consulting, enterprise image planning, conference and exhibition services, electronic product sales, property management. (Projects that must be approved according to law can only be operated after being approved by relevant departments)

5. Business consulting, enterprise management consulting, e-commerce (not allowed to engage in value-added telecommunications, financial services), market information consulting and survey (not allowed to engage in social surveys, social research, public opinion surveys, public opinion polls), conference services.

Technology development, technology transfer, technology consultation and technical services in the field of computer network; Computer system integration, computer software and hardware and auxiliary equipment sales. (Projects that must be approved according to law can only be operated after being approved by relevant departments)

6. Business information consulting (excluding financial information), enterprise management consulting, real estate information consulting (excluding intermediary services); Hardware and household appliances, sporting goods, general merchandise, arts and crafts (excluding cultural relics).

Wholesale, import and export, commission agency (except auction) of electronic products, chemical products (excluding hazardous chemicals), building materials, and provide relevant supporting services.

(The application shall be handled in accordance with relevant national regulations if it does not involve state-owned trade management commodities, but involves quota and license management commodities.). (Projects that must be approved according to law can only be operated after being approved by relevant departments)

7. Business consulting, enterprise management consulting, computer software and hardware development, technical development, technical consulting, technical services, web design and production, general merchandise, stationery, office stationery in the field of network science and technology.

Sales of clothing, electronic products, maternal and infant products, hardware and electrical equipment, plastic products, automotive supplies, edible agricultural products, and engaged in goods import and technology import business. (Projects that must be approved according to law can only be operated after being approved by relevant departments)

Extended Reading

Traditional classification of consulting companies

1、 Management consulting

Consulting with enterprises or companies and other units on various management related items such as market research, price forecast, enterprise diagnosis, profit and loss analysis, sales strategy, business report, product information, sales market analysis report, product quality analysis report, equity analysis plan, equity distribution plan, personnel management and investment analysis.

2、 Financial consulting

Provide customers with financial consultation, including accounting and tax consultation.

3、 Engineering consulting

Consultation on civil engineering, electromechanical, construction, energy, transportation, chemical industry, etc.

4、 Technical Consultation

The scope of this kind of consulting service is highly professional, and often has the background of large enterprises. Some large technical consulting companies can even provide political, economic, military and other consulting services for the government to formulate internal and external policies.

Consulting companies have just begun to develop in China. Most consulting companies are self funded by scientific and technological personnel or engineering technicians, and their scale is relatively small. With the development of economy, this form of company will have greater development.

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