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home page > Company online naming > Use law and trademark registration to avoid company name duplication

Use law and trademark registration to avoid company name duplication

Source: Author: Qi Erge Time: 17:01, August 22, 2023 Views: 5264

Find and register trademarks

Trademark is an important means to protect the company's brand. In order to avoid duplication with other companies, we should first search for and register trademarks. When searching for a trademark, you can consult a professional organization or law firm to conduct a comprehensive trademark search to ensure that the selected name does not conflict with the registered trademark of others. Once it is determined that the name is available, the trademark registration process can be started. The registered trademark will provide legal protection for the company and ensure that other companies will not infringe their brand rights.

Check the actual use of trademarks

In addition to the registered trademark, it shall also be checked whether the trademark has been used in practice. Even if a trademark has not been registered, if other companies have used the trademark in practice and established a high reputation, it may still pose a risk of duplication. Therefore, in addition to finding and registering trademarks, we should also understand the actual use of the target trademark to avoid potential conflicts and disputes.

Seeking legal opinions and registering patents

In order to better protect the company's intellectual property rights, especially in the core technology field, it is recommended to seek professional legal advice and consider registering patents. Patents can ensure that the company's unique technology and innovation are protected by law and prevent other companies from misappropriating or infringing. Similar to trademarks, patent search is also necessary to ensure that the selected technology or invention does not duplicate or conflict with existing patents. By seeking legal advice and registering patents, we can further protect the company's intellectual property rights and reduce the risk of duplication with other companies.


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