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How to query whether a company name is available

Source: Author: Qi Erge Time: 14:53, March 29, 2023 Views: 1392

Duplicate company name checking is one of the necessary steps for company registration. Its purpose is to ensure that the registered company name does not duplicate the existing company name and avoid confusion and disputes. Therefore, it is necessary to duplicate the company name to ensure its uniqueness. The following is a detailed introduction to the duplicate checking of registered company names.


1、 Significance of duplicate checking

First, the name of the registered company needs to be unique to avoid duplication with the existing company name, leading to legal disputes. Secondly, the company name needs to be consistent with the company's business scope, which is conducive to building the company's brand image and market awareness. Finally, the name of the company should also comply with relevant laws and regulations, and words involving national security, public interest and social morality should not be used.

2、 Duplicate checking method

Online inquiry

Now, the official website of the second brother of the enterprise provides a free company name query service. When querying the company name, just enter the name of the company to be queried, and the system will automatically match the registered company name and the company name that has applied for registration according to the big industrial and commercial data, and give the probability of successful registration of the company name.

Manual consultation

If you are not sure whether the company name has been registered or applied for registration, you can go to the local Administration for Industry and Commerce to consult the staff to find out whether the company name can be used. Generally, the Administration for Industry and Commerce will provide the legal provisions and operational procedures for the application of company names, as well as some matters needing attention, to help enterprises avoid some common mistakes.

3、 Precautions for duplicate checking

1. The company name shall not duplicate the registered company name, nor shall it use words related to national security, public interest, social morality, etc.

2. The name of the company shall be consistent with the business scope of the company and shall not involve any business that the company is not engaged in.

3. The company name should not be too many words, usually between 2 and 7 Chinese characters.

4. The words and format of the company name shall comply with the regulations, and no special symbols or indecent words shall appear.

In a word, duplicate checking of registered company name is a very important step in the process of company registration. Only by ensuring the uniqueness of the company's name can the legitimacy and normal operation of the company be guaranteed. At the same time, attention should be paid to the legal compliance and market adaptability of the company's name, so as to improve the company's brand image.

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