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home page > Free naming of the company > The name of the aggressive and loud company symbolizes good luck

The name of the aggressive and loud company symbolizes good luck

Source: Author: Qi Erge Time: 15:41, June 13, 2022 Views: 1747

   Whether a name is good or not depends on whether the name can express a certain meaning. When a boss chooses a company name, he naturally hopes that the name can reflect his inner expectations and wishes. After all, the boss has certain expectations for the company and always hopes that the name can express his inner thoughts.

 Zhihu Picture2.jpg

two thousand and twenty-two Recommended company name in


Book of the Han Dynasty ·The Emperor Xuandi's Annals said, "If you receive Jiarui, you will be blessed with it". The word "Jia" comes from this, meaning happiness and auspiciousness; The word "li" belongs to the Chinese zodiac, which is suitable for naming cattle, and has the original meaning of profit, interest and right. Therefore, the combination of the two can serve as two thousand and twenty-two The name of the company in has the traditional meaning of good luck and prosperous business.


Rong refers to the appearance of lush vegetation, which contains the Chinese zodiac. Cattle like to use the root For two thousand and twenty-two The name of the company in is very suitable, which can be extended to the meaning of prosperity; Prosperity means great auspiciousness and prosperity. The combination of the two makes the company worthy of its name and reflects the meaning of prosperity, which means that the company can be prosperous and prosperous.


Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals & There is a saying in Zhiyi: Shennong uses the word "Hong" from here, which means prosperity, and it itself is a symbol of auspicious omen, and it is also a suitable word for naming cattle in the zodiac; When the source word is used in the name of a company, it has the beauty of making money widely. Therefore, Hongyuan meets two thousand and twenty-one Search for the name of a thriving company.

Good company name reference

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