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Several points needing attention in company name verification

Source: Author: Qi Erge Time: 11:10, June 7, 2022 Views: 2101

In the process of company registration, the rules and approval procedures for the registration of company names are very important to us. We are the first to deal with the name verification of the Administration for Industry and Commerce. However, in the process of name verification, we will inevitably encounter various problems, such as the company's registration of name verification, which does not comply with legal provisions, etc. Therefore, the name verification stage is crucial for a company. Next, I will tell you the precautions for company name verification.

Several points for attention in company name verification

1. The enterprise name of the company shall use Chinese characters instead of Chinese pinyin and numbers. The government of the national autonomous region can improve the need to use a national cultural language at the same time. If the company mainly uses a foreign language name, its foreign language name shall be consistent with the Chinese name and registered according to law.

2. The company name shall not contain content or words that are detrimental to the national and social public interests and may cause deception or misunderstanding to the public, and shall not contain the names of mass organizations, social organizations, and military designations. The company name shall not be the same or similar to the name of a registered company in the same industry within the jurisdiction of the same registration authority.

3. The words "development" and "development" shall not be separately used in the name of a company to indicate its industry or business characteristics. A company that uses the words "industry" shall have more than three production and scientific and technological enterprises.

4. If the name of the head office is used, the company must have more than three branches called companies or branches. The names of branches and management organizations of other enterprise branches must be preceded by the names of their subordinate companies.

5. The company name may have an abbreviation or an abbreviation in a foreign language, which shall be stated in the articles of association.

The above is Second Brother I have sorted out some notes for everyone and hope to be adopted. If you think the nuclear name is too troublesome, you can find a professional organization to help you quickly pass the nuclear name. If you are interested, you can follow our WeChat official account: QIERGE222 came to understand.

I hope this article will be helpful to you. If you have already figured out the company name and want to know whether the industrial and commercial name verification can be passed, please click here: For interaction with us, please pay attention to Qierge222, which is more convenient for the company to name, verify, test, and generate business scope!

   Several points needing attention in company name verification Company name entry: Company name

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