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Generation of company business scope

Source: Enterprise Second Brother Author: Qi Erge Time: 10:50 on March 28, 2022 Views: 2746

Business scope is an important part of a registered company. This is a problem that entrepreneurs should consider before starting their own businesses. It determines the direction of the company. This also affects the company's business, making it easier to pay taxes. How should the company choose its business scope? secondly, Second Brother Relevant sorting has been done.


(1) Classification of the Company's business scope

According to the Classification of Industries for National Economic Development, the scope of business activities of the company can be divided into scientific and technological categories ; Culture, media and advertising; Consulting; Commerce and trade; Management class, etc. The specific analysis is as follows

1. Culture, media and advertising

(1) Common cultural companies include culture, cultural communication, cultural development, film and television culture, etc.

2) Common media companies include: media, traditional cultural media, advertising information media, etc;

3) Common advertising companies include: advertising, film and television advertising.;

4) Common business scope: cartoons, feature films, TV variety shows; It is not allowed to produce radio and television programs such as current political news and similar topics and columns (radio and television program production and operation license: valid until September 29, 2020). Design, production, agency and release of advertisements; Organize cultural and artistic exchange activities (excluding performances); Exhibition services; Enterprise planning; Computer graphic design; Advertising information consultation. (Projects that must be approved according to law can only be operated after being approved by relevant departments)

2. Technology companies

(1) General technology companies include: technology, information technology, network technology, science and technology development companies.

(2) The common business capabilities of science and technology include: technology development, technology development and promotion, technology transfer, technology consulting, and technical personnel services; Computer information system provides services; Application analysis software product services; Software resource development; Software engineering consulting; Model structure design; Packaging decoration design; Educational consultation; Economic and trade consultation; Cultural consultation; Sports consultation; Network service of public interest relations; Conference services; Arts and Crafts Teaching Design; Computer animation design; Enterprise planning and design; Design, production, agency and release of advertisements; Market demand survey; Enterprise financial management accounting consulting; Organize students' cultural and traditional art exchange and learning activities (excluding commercial performances); Literary and artistic creation; Undertake exhibition activities; Conference services; Film and television planning; Translation services. (For projects that must be approved according to law, the production and operation practice activities can be carried out only after the approval of relevant government departments.

(2) Which industries cannot be processed at present

1. Financial investment companies; Such as investment management, asset management, fund management, investment companies, investment guarantees, small loans, loan companies, etc., At present, many areas have been closed and need the approval of the Financial Office to establish new ones. Some areas with loose policies can still be established.

2. The development of commercial factoring, financing enterprise leasing, pawnshop and other industries is also in the state of closure of the school.

3. The scope of investment companies in many regions cannot be expanded. Qingdao's current policy is relatively loose, and a region can establish new investment companies.

4. In Beijing, investment companies, training companies, research institutions, financial service outsourcing and other companies cannot be established or expanded.

5. There are only about 200 such licenses nationwide, and these industries are prohibited by the state.


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