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home page > Trademark inquiry > What are the three main reasons for trademark rejection?

What are the three main reasons for trademark rejection?

Source: // Author: What are the three main reasons for trademark rejection Time: 16:08, October 31, 2019 Views: 1316

First, it violates the absolute prohibition clause (that is, Article 10 of the Trademark Law itself damages the social public interests, violates the social public order, affects social good customs, and damages national dignity, national unity, religious belief, etc.);

Second, it violates the absolute prohibition clause (also known as the lack of saliency clause, that is, Article 11 of the Trademark Law expresses or describes the name, purpose, function and other characteristics of a certain type of commodity, so that the relevant public can not identify different suppliers, and at the same time, other business entities can not use the logo);

 What are the three main reasons for trademark rejection

Third, it is similar to the previous trademark (there are previously registered or applied trademarks on the same or similar goods).

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