The key point of trademark registration is trademark inquiry, which is crucial for many new customers. Because different people have different query results, and the review of Chinese trademarks is conducted manually, there are requirements for the query. Some trademarks are not similar to you, but the reviewers think they are similar. Such results are useless even if they are queried.
In fact, the trademark query is free, which can be queried on the official website of the China Trademark Office, and the query data here can be said to be the most comprehensive. Like some other websites, individuals or companies, their data are actually from the China Trademark Network, so the most complete data is still in the China Trademark Office, and the query here is free.
However, this query is similar to the following chess. There are many people who can play chess, but not many are proficient in it. This is also true for queries. However, there are high requirements for professionals, such as the judgment of similar trademarks. These are all experienced. An experienced trademark searcher is better than ten non professional trademark searchers, which is no exaggeration, Therefore, if you are not sure, let the trademark agency do it. After all, the industry has expertise.